Tuesday, June 28, 2011


In Maori we read a book called Taniwha me te Poraka. We decided to create our own pages drawing the Taniwha hiding behind different things. Kia tupato Poraka (watch out!) We will add more pages when they are completed.

The Monarch Butterfly

As part of change we read a book about the Monarch Butterfly. We learnt about the life cycle of the Monarch Butterfly and looked at the transformations a butterfly undergoes from a caterpillar to a butterfly. We found a You Tube time lapse clip about this. It was interesting to watch.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Science Rotations

Year 3 and 4 have been involved in activities that explore change in kitchen chemistry.
We have completed 3 rotations so far, and we will put on more photos of our rotations by the end of this week. We are thoroughly enjoying eating our cooking and observing the changes that take place.
Science Rotations on PhotoPeach

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Volcano in my Tummy

We have been involved in a programme called Volcano in my Tummy where we learn about anger and how to deal with anger without being violent. Mrs Gullick takes the programme for half an hour each Friday. We made a comic life to show what situations can make us angry.
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