Thursday, May 8, 2014

We love our Mums!

Mrs Alison came up with a creative idea for us to make a gift for mum.
We made little sewing kits. We had to use a running stitch around a circle of material so we could stuff them to make a pin cushion for the lid of our kit.
Clever Mrs Alison!

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Change Immersion Activities

The Whangarei Fire Service came to the school and demonstrated how to make foam. We learnt that it is made from mixing air, water and foam chemicals together in a foam machine. The Fire Service use foam to smother fires.

On Wednesday classes rotated around our whanau and took part in experiments that explored change. Children were very excited and a lot of scientific conversations were shared. In Room 20 we made Sherbet, In Room 21 we made Ooblek, In Room 18 we made a plastic bag explode using vinegar and baking soda, and in Room 19 we explored water density using sugar and water.

We had bubble day on Friday.

Zero Waste

Ngarimu received a special award from Anna from Zero Waste for his hard work at the school gala.