Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Culture Day

As a culmination of our Immersion Week for Celebration, we held a Culture Day. We dressed up in costumes from other countries and held a concert where different groups from our school community performed dances. We also wrote prayers to celebrate our Catholic culture and tied these to balloons.
It was an awesome day organised by karaka whanau. Tumeke!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013


Our concept for Term 4 is Celebration. We are learning that...

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Marble Run Finished Products

The process of creating marble runs meant we had to change or modify our designs to ensure they worked and met the criteria. We were judged by our class mates on design and creativity. Jelford and Joshua's fun fair marble run was judged the best by the class.

Marble Runs

For our technology unit we decided to create marble runs for wet day activities. We got our inspiration from Melanie's dad's marble run which he made when he was a child. We googled marble runs and got heaps of ideas from there, we then designed our own marble runs. We decided to use recycled materials and work in teams of 2-4. These are photos of the creating process.