Wednesday, August 31, 2011

We have been studying Taonga this term. Children have brought along various taonga to share with the class and explain why they are precious to them. Here are a few of the taonga caption cards children have made.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


This is a maths site set up for the World Cup. It involves answering maths questions to get the treasure. You have to go to locations around New Zealand and answer 3 levels of maths problems to get all the treasure you need. Register now! Click on the picture to get to the link.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Numeracy Skills

I have found a new website called Study Ladder. It has numeracy skill activities for children to do online or your can print them. This link takes you straight to the numeracy skills but there are many other subject areas children can focus on. There are 10 levels with 10 activity sheets at each level. Go online and practise, practise, practise!