Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Our Culture

We have been sharing our cultures with the class. Our class comes from a variety of different cultures. We decided to celebrate and inform others about our culture using comic life. We had to search google images for pictures relating to our country, flag, traditional activity, food, clothing, what its famous for, designs, and a greeting. We took a photo of ourselves using the capture feature and had to create one of our pictures using kidpix.

Maori Art

We have been creating Maori Artwork using a variety of skills. First we had to weave a mat as a background out of either flax or coloured paper. Next we created a design based on Maori symbols. We then layered this design using 3 layers. It was quite challenging and has taken a long time to complete. Here are some finished pieces of art.

Making Poi

Today we made poi. We made them out of wool, plastic bags, newspaper and dacron (pillow filling) It was quite easy, the hardest part was tying a knot and knowing how to plait!
We will be learning some simple actions with the poi.

Toka Tu Moana

Our school watched a performance by Toka Tu Moana. We were dazzled by their skill at poi, haka, taiaha, and hand games. Their performance was based on a legend of how the seasons came to be. The main character was Maui who was very cheeky and very vain. After the show our Diving Deeper Maori group learnt the Haka.These are some pictures of the show.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Culture Day

The school held a Culture Day today as part of our immersion on Cultures. We started the day watching a virtual marae DVD that takes you on a tour of a marae and tells you the tikanga (protocol) of a marae.
We then went to our school hall to take part in a powhiri. We were the manuhiri and were welcomed on by Kowhai Whanau. We then were the tangata whenua and welcomed Rimu Whanau. During the rest of the day we had a rotation where we did titi torea, art and made ika harakeke (flax fish).